Dateline NBC is a reality legal show produced by Peacock. Dateline primarily focuses on human interest stories and true crime incidents. New episodes of this series are available to stream on NBC on Friday nights at 9/8c. So, you need to use a streaming app on your Roku TV to tune in to the NBC channel and stream this series. Here, we have recommended a few apps to stream Dateline NBC on Roku.
Suggested Apps to Stream Dateline NBC on Roku
Depending on your convenience, you can use any of these apps to stream full episodes of the Dateline series.
DirecTV Stream
You can use the DirecTV channel on Roku to watch seasons 1-8 of the Dateline series. All you need to use the DirecTV app is an active subscription. It has three tariff plans: Entertainment ($86.99/month), Choice ($114.99/month), or Ultimate ($129.99/month). You can subscribe to one of these plans to get complete access to the app and stream the Dateline series.
Peacock TV
If you want to stream seasons 18-33 of the Dateline series, watch it using the Peacock TV channel on Roku. By logging in with the Peacock subscribed account, you can watch episodes of Dateline 24/7, including movies, TV shows, and sports. Peacock TV has two paid plans: Premium ($7.99/month) and Premium Plus ($13.99/month). New episodes are available to stream on Peacock the next day after they air on TV.
You can use the NBC app on Roku to stream the latest episodes of Dateline every Friday. Additionally, this app helps you stream audio versions of episodes on the Dateline NBC podcast. The NBC app is free to install, but you must sign in with a participating television provider to watch all the content.
Yes, you can use the Fubo app on Roku to stream new episodes of Dateline.